Toccoa Falls College has access for you to many scholarly databases with full-text articles and eBooks. 

Various instructional videos are now available on the Library's Instructional Videos Page

Remember: Should you initially have difficulty accessing a particular database, try changing the Internet browser you are using, or wait a bit and return to try again as these databases are constantly being updated and are occasionally undergoing maintenance.


Academic Search Complete – Journal Articles – General subjects
Proquest Research Library – Journal Articles – General subjects
ABI/INFORM Complete – Journal Articles – Journals in Business & Management
Business Source Complete – Journal Articles – Includes non-periodical sources
JSTOR – Journal Articles, Books, and Primary Sources in 75 disciplines
Credo Reference – Ereference – All areas of study
HEINONLINE Resources – 191 million+ pages & 298,000 titles of historical & government documents
Google Scholar – over 389,000,000 academic documents on all subjects available for free access
Statista – Statistics, Reports, Surveys, and Expert Tools in all disciplines
Issues and Controversies – Ereference – Encyclopedia articles on current issues
Encyclopedia of Management – Ereference book – Copyright 2006
Encyclopedia of Business and Finance – Ereference book – Copyright 2007
EBooks – 180K Ebooks – All areas of study
EVideos – Films on demand – All areas of study

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY RESOURCES (From the Seby Jones library page)

Psychology Journals (ProQuest) – Journal Articles – Articles for general Psychology class
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection – Journal Articles – Articles for general Psychology class
Sociology (ProQuest) – Journal Articles – Articles in Sociology and Social Work
ProQuest Religion – Journal Articles – Christian view of Psychology
Credo Reference – Ereference – All areas of study
Google Scholar – over 389,000,000 academic documents on all subjects available for free access
Statista – Statistics, Reports, Surveys, and Expert Tools in all disciplines
Issues and Controversies – Ereference – Encyclopedia articles on current issues
Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology – Ereference book – Copyright 2008
EBooks – 180K Ebooks – All areas of study
EVideos – Films on demand – All areas of study

You should be able to log in directly to any database resources through OpenAthens, as long as you are logged into your Office 365 TFC email.


Last modified: Tuesday, 17 August 2021, 2:49 PM